Tuesday, August 5, 2008

difficult time.....

i was a bit stress up today... u know guys, when u r not in the right position to answer all those kind of questions, it is very dificult for me to make any decision... whatever u want to say certain thing... u have to think twice because any issues that were raised, u need to think the consequences later on... so, what's the best think to do???? hmmm..... i leave it to u guys to think.... i wasn't really sure whether i'd made the right thing to do or i guess this is not the right time for me to say anything.... i try my level best to please other people....

i just hope for the best.... being part of this so-called system of hierarchy, really annoying me.... well, sometimes there is no easy way to lighten up your load except for you to consider it as a learning process but at the same time u have to try to forgive yourself..... When I felt that I have made a mistake....I will keep quiet and would rather to take a bath... hahaha... Water takes away our worries because it cleanses the body, the mind and the spirit.... time to ponder.....

hmm... dah lah... dok tulis mat saleh pulak.... lagi senang ckp melayu.... ari ni, lepas keje, gi lagi buat body combat... enjoy sakan sbb byk muzik baru depa dok pasang... mmg bersemangat giler.... saja2 nak release tension.... abis je kelas buat workout sikit... jumpa pulak member yg satu tempat keje.... so apalagi, aku dgn dia dok mengutuk pasal keje je la..... hehehe....

1 comment:

tim_abdul said...

cakap mat salleh u...ini betul2 nak luah perasaan.hehehe..what ever u said it's true..just hope for the best and hope we don't offended anyone....dah menjangkit u lak cakap mat salleh..hahaha...